Considering Termination and the Importance of the Ultrasound

Considering Termination and the Importance of the Ultrasound

Considering Termination and the Importance of the Ultrasound

23 Dec 2020 | General

“Why should I get an ultrasound if I’m getting an abortion?” 

Women facing unplanned pregnancies frequently ask this question. At Waterleaf we help you understand the importance of an ultrasound, especially if you are considering termination.

If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, abortion can seem like a quick and easy option.  However, it’s important to remember that getting an abortion is a serious medical procedure, and there are certain pre-abortion screenings you need to schedule before an abortion appointment. Every pregnant woman needs an ultrasound before an abortion procedure. 

What is an Ultrasound? 

How does the ultrasound work and what does it tell us?

Ultrasounds, also called sonograms, are scans that use soundwaves to create images without the use of radiation. They are most often used in the case of pregnancy to gather important information about the developing fetus, including its age, location, and viability.


Here are 4 important reasons to get an ultrasound before you schedule an appointment for an abortion:


1. Your ultrasound will help determine the age of your pregnancy, which is essential for understanding your abortion options.   

An ultrasound is the most accurate way to determine the gestational age and potential due date of pregnancy. Even if you consistently track your menstrual period, your ovulation can vary slightly, which will change the age of your pregnancy. An ultrasound will help you and your doctor determine how far along you are. Because different abortion methods are used based on the gestational age of your pregnancy, it is essential you know how far along you are to determine your eligibility for the various abortion options. 

2. An ultrasound is the only way to determine if your pregnancy is viable.

Even if you’ve taken a pregnancy test, an ultrasound is the only way to know if your pregnancy is viable. A viable pregnancy is one that can fully develop and have a reasonable chance of survival outside of the womb.  Approximately one in three pregnancies will not carry to term.  Many factors can indicate a nonviable pregnancy, each being detectable through ultrasound imaging. If your pregnancy is not viable, abortion is not necessary.   

3. The ultrasound will reveal the location of the pregnancy and identify any immediate health concerns. 


Pregnancies not located in the womb are considered ectopic pregnancies and can be life-threatening to the woman. Ectopic pregnancies, also known as extrauterine pregnancies, occur when the fertilized egg grows somewhere other than the uterus, like in the fallopian tubes. This is a serious condition that should be treated immediately upon diagnosis.

4. Getting an ultrasound is a key factor in making an informed choice for your pregnancy. 

You are entitled to all the information available to you regarding each of your pregnancy options. Without access to the information provided through an ultrasound, you are not able to make a fully informed and educated choice for yourself, your health, and your future.

Schedule an appointment for a free ultrasound today!


If you’re considering abortion, Waterleaf is here to provide a no-cost and confidential pre-abortion screening which includes pregnancy testing, ultrasound imaging, STD testing, and more.

Waterleaf Women’s Center Does Not Perform Nor Refer For Abortions, Nor Administers The Abortion Pill.

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