Adoption Options | Waterleaf Women's Center

Considering Adoption?

Considering Adoption?

Adoption is a big decision. It can be an emotional and even stressful one for birth parents. Some people have difficulty understanding how someone could place their child in another family. But the answer is more complex. Waterleaf Women’s Center helps you in your decision process and connects you to the resources you need.

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Adoption can be a selfless and brave choice. Many people choose adoption to ensure their children grow up in a safe, loving environment. They act with the child’s best interests in mind and want to give that child the best chance of having a successful life.

How will I know if adoption is right for me?

Speaking with an adoption advocate can help. They will inform you of your rights and walk you through the entire process. Birth parents play a crucial role in their adoption journey. They can select the child’s adoptive parents and choose the level of contact they wish to have.

Your Adoption Options

Multiple adoption plans exist in the United States:

  • Open adoption: This is the most popular choice. With an open adoption, you choose the adoptive parents and form a relationship with the family. You regularly communicate through visits, phone calls, or letters.
  • Semi-open adoption: A semi-open adoption allows you to establish contact with the adoptive family. However, it is carried out via a third party, like an adoption attorney or an agency.
  • Closed adoption: This plan allows for the most privacy. With a closed adoption, your identifying records will be kept confidential. any communication with the adoptive family and remain anonymous.

There is no cost to create an adoption plan in Illinois. You may even qualify for rent assistance, material items, and more. The adoptive family will typically cover the healthcare expenses of the pregnancy and other expenses depending on local laws.

Adoption Resources

Waterleaf Women’s Center can connect you to adoption agencies that can help. Our trained advocates are also here to discuss the adoption option with you and determine if this is the right decision.

Contact us today to discuss your options or learn more about adoption. All of our appointments are free, confidential, and don’t require insurance. We are here for you.

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Waterleaf Women’s Center Does Not Perform Nor Refer For Abortions, Nor Administers The Abortion Pill.

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