How to Recover Emotionally After Abortion

If you’re experiencing complex emotions or mental health struggles after abortion, you’re not alone. In fact, post-abortive women are 81% more likely to experience issues such as depression and anxiety.1   

Whether your abortion was yesterday or 20 years ago, it’s never too late or too early to begin to seek healing.

While healing isn’t a one-size-fits-all process, Waterleaf Women’s Center is here to provide you with some helpful steps to take as you begin your journey.

Engage with your feelings after abortion

While it’s important not to allow negative emotions and thoughts to fester, we recommend setting aside time to intentionally explore your feelings. It can be tempting to let shame and fear cause you to push away thoughts related to your abortion experience. However, engaging your feelings is an important part of the process of healing and moving forward.

Engaging your feelings can look different for everyone, from journaling at home to setting up an appointment with a qualified post-abortion counselor.

Allow yourself to grieve after abortion

Some women find they have not allowed themselves to grieve the loss from their abortions. Because abortion can be a controversial political and social topic, you may not feel permission to express grief and sadness related to your experience.

Or perhaps your abortion happened years ago and you don’t feel as though you’re allowed to grieve for something that happened so far in the past. Whatever it is, it’s important to remind yourself that your feelings are valid and real and that grieving is an important step in moving forward.  

Find a safe space to process your feelings 

Sometimes, our feelings are too much to handle on our own and that’s okay. Thankfully, there is help available to you through your local pregnancy clinic. Waterleaf Women’s Center is here to listen and encourage you as you process your past abortion.  

We will provide you with a safe space to process your feelings as well as additional resources to help you move through your journey with confidence.

Share your story

Often, post-abortive women feel alone and in the dark when it comes to their experiences. While there’s never any pressure to share your story, you may find that telling others about your abortion can bring a unique sense of healing and closure. Of course, it’s up to you whether you want to share with just your closest friends and family members or if you want to share your experience with a wider audience.


Schedule an appointment for more information about post-abortion support and resources through Waterleaf Women’s Center.

  1. Coleman, PK, “Abortion and Mental Health: Quantitative Synthesis and Analysis of Research Published 1995-2009,” BJP 2011; 199:180-186).

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