Things Needed Prior to An Abortion | Waterleaf Women's Center

Things Needed Prior to An Abortion

Things Needed Prior to An Abortion

10 Feb 2021 | General

What do I do now? You may be facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion. It is normal to have questions about this option. Are you wondering about the safety of the process and if this is the right option for you?  Abortion is a very serious procedure that can have emotional and physical side effects. It is important to know what the process entails and what to do before making a decision. Taking the following actions will empower you to make an informed decision that is best for you now and in the future.

Take A Second Pregnancy Test

Why do you need a second pregnancy test? Good question. After receiving a positive at-home pregnancy test result, make sure to take a lab-quality pregnancy test at a clinic you trust. Although at-home pregnancy tests can be accurate, we always recommend double-checking. A lab-quality test will give you the peace of mind and assurance you need to move forward with your pregnancy decision.

Have An Ultrasound Exam Before An Abortion

Another essential action is to have an ultrasound exam. An ultrasound confirms if your pregnancy is viable, tells if your pregnancy is located in your uterus and verifies how far along you are. These are all critical factors to consider and clarify if abortion is even an option, and if so, which procedures are available to you.  

It is vital to have an ultrasound prior to an abortion to avoid serious medical complications. Ultrasound can reveal the possibility of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy growing outside of the uterus that can be life-threatening and should be addressed immediately. Proceeding with an abortion before an ultrasound significantly increases your health risks.

Consider Your Risks

Empower yourself by understanding the abortion procedure you are considering and the specific risks and side effects associated with it. It is very important that you are aware of what you are risking if you choose abortion. Some physical side effects of an abortion procedure are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • An incomplete abortion or failed medical abortion which may need to be followed by a surgical abortion
  • Heavy or prolonged bleeding
  • Severe abdominal or back pain
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Infection
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

Know All Your Options

The best action you can take before proceeding with any pregnancy decision is to know all of your options. You deserve to know the truth to make an informed decision with confidence. If you would like to learn more about abortion, adoption, or parenting, contact Waterleaf.

Schedule a free and confidential pregnancy test and ultrasound appointment today. The Waterleaf medical staff is here to talk with you about all your options and give you the clarity you need. 

Waterleaf Women’s Center Does Not Perform Nor Refer For Abortions, Nor Administers The Abortion Pill.

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