How Do I Tell My Parents I am Pregnant? | Waterleaf Women's Center

How Do I Tell My Parents I am Pregnant?

How Do I Tell My Parents I am Pregnant?

08 Mar 2021 | General

How do you tell your parents you are pregnant? An unexpected pregnancy can be overwhelming, especially if you are still living at home. No matter how close you are to your parents, the thought of telling them is scary. Before you do anything, stop and breathe. Although it may seem like the end of the world, it isn’t. You are strong and you can handle this.

Now that you’ve taken that breath, here are some tips on how to tell your parents you’re pregnant.

Have a Plan

  • Confirm your pregnancy with a free lab-quality urine test at Waterleaf Women’s Center.
  • If your test is positive, arrange to have a  free limited ultrasound at Waterleaf to confirm how far along you are and if the pregnancy is viable.
  • Work through your initial feelings and thoughts first.
  • If your parents are divorced, decide if you will tell them together.
  • Decide if you want anyone else to be there so you don’t feel alone. Consider how well your parents know and respect the father of the baby when deciding if he should join you.

Consider Timing

  • Plan a time when your parents are home and can give you their full attention.
  • Pick a time when your parents are the least likely to be stressed.
  • Pick a time that works for you when you are not over-tired or stressed.
  • Plan enough time so you are not rushing through the information you are sharing.

Plan Your Conversation

  • Prepare your opening. For example, “I have something very difficult to tell you” or “I have something important to tell you.”
  • Decide how you will explain the pregnancy.
  • Figure out how you will share your feelings.
  • Roleplay with a trusted friend or family member.

Prepare for Questions

  • Work through how much information you want to share.
  • Prepare yourself for questions about the father of the baby.
  • Think through your parent’s potential questions and be ready to answer as many as you can.
  • Consider your parents views and values about relationships and sex when thinking about what they may ask.
  • Know what you are going to say so you are not caught off guard.
  • Understand your parents’ feelings about your pregnancy may be different than yours.

Stay Positive

  • Keep reminding yourself that your parents love you and want the best for you.
  • Be prepared for your parents’ initial reactions of hurt, disbelief, shock, disappointment, or anger.
  • Allow time for your parents to process their feelings.
  • Ask for their support.

After the initial news sinks in, most parents come around to supporting their daughter or son after they find out about an unplanned pregnancy. And, many times, parents end up being the strongest support you will have! They usually need some time and space to work through the surprise just like you did.

In the meantime, know we will be here to help. At Waterleaf and ASPIRE, we can provide you with information about your pregnancy, provide support and education, connect you with resources within the community, and help you plan out what the next few months could look like. If your parents are willing, invite them to visit Waterleaf with you.

If you need help telling your parents about your unexpected pregnancy, schedule a free consultation. Waterleaf is a judgment-free zone where you can share your concerns. We’re waiting to hear from you!

Waterleaf Women’s Center Does Not Perform Nor Refer For Abortions, Nor Administers The Abortion Pill.

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