How Do Pregnancy Tests Work? | Waterleaf Women's Center | Aurora, IL

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

19 Jul 2021 | Pregnancy Test

A missed period. Fatigue. Sore, tender breasts. Moodiness. Could you be pregnant?

If you’ve been frantically searching pregnancy symptoms on the internet, it’s time to answer your questions with a pregnancy test. But as you peruse the test options at your local drug store, you may be wondering, “How do pregnancy tests work?”

How do pregnancy tests work?

There are two basic types of pregnancy tests: a blood test, and a urine test. Typically a blood test is only taken if recommended by a doctor after a urine test comes back positive. Blood pregnancy tests are more sensitive and can reveal more information about the pregnancy, and are less common than the urine test.

Both types of pregnancy tests work by measuring hCG levels in your blood. This hormone (hCG) is always present in your blood but is much higher during pregnancy. Both urine and blood hCG tests can reliably detect early pregnancy. 

When should I take a pregnancy test?

It is best to wait at least one week after your missed period before taking a pregnancy test for the most reliable results.

What if my pregnancy test comes back positive?

If your test comes back positive and the pregnancy is unplanned and unexpected, we can help. We offer follow-up services to help you explore all your options so you can make an informed and empowered choice. 

Can I get a pregnancy test for free?

Yes! We offer free pregnancy testing services at Waterleaf Women’s Center. If your test comes back positive, we can also offer a free ultrasound to reveal even more information about your pregnancy such as the viability of the pregnancy as well as how far along you are and the location of the pregnancy. Contact us to schedule your free and confidential appointment today!

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