How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally? | Waterleaf Women's Center | Aurora, IL

How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

26 Sep 2023 | Abortion

Abortion is a very personal decision, and women choose this procedure for various reasons. You may wonder, “How will abortion affect me mentally?”

Multiple studies show there is cause for concern about abortion’s negative impact on women. Following is information on abortion’s potential risks to your mental health.

What is the Connection Between Mental Health and Abortion?

The Mayo Clinic acknowledges that abortion is a “significant decision with emotional and psychological consequences.”

The impact of abortion on mental health is often under-discussed with women considering the procedure for the first time.

Opinions on the direct connection between abortion and women’s mental health are divided. However, according to the National Library of Medicine, “Both sides agree that… abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.”

What Do Some Women Experience After Abortion?

It is reasonable to acknowledge that abortion, as a medical procedure, may carry psychological and physical effects for some women.

Another 25-year-long study conducted by medical researcher and professor David Fergusson confirmed this. This study highlighted increased risks of anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal behaviors associated with abortion. 

Another study concluded over 14% of American women met the full diagnosis for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following their abortions. 

Findings such as these emphasize the importance of carefully considering the potential impact on mental health when contemplating an abortion. 

Pregnancy Screening Before Considering Abortion

At Waterleaf Women’s Center, we offer no-cost support to women with pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and more.

An ultrasound is vital when considering abortion. It reveals how far along you are in your pregnancy, which determines your abortion procedure options. The ultrasound also shows if the pregnancy is located in the uterus. 

If the pregnancy is suspected outside the uterus, you would be advised to seek immediate medical attention, The ultrasound can also show viability by detecting a heartbeat. Research estimates that up to 30% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage, making an abortion unnecessary.

Our caring staff can help explore your options in a judgment-free space. All of our services are free and do not require insurance. We provide medically accurate information to help you feel prepared and confident in your decision.

Contact us today to make an appointment!

Waterleaf Women’s Center Does Not Perform Nor Refer For Abortions, Nor Administers The Abortion Pill.

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