The Abortion Pill | Waterleaf Women's Center | Aurora, IL

The Abortion Pill

The Abortion Pill

The abortion pill is often triumphed as being a quick and easy way to get an abortion, and it is quickly becoming the most common method of abortion. As with any method of abortion, the abortion pill has drawbacks. There are many sources of information that can cause confusion about the abortion pill. We’ve broken it down for you on this page in a way that’s reliable and easy to understand.

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What is It?

The abortion pill, commonly referred to as a medical abortion, involves a combination of medications designed to end an early pregnancy. The two-drug process is available within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. When a woman decides she wants a medication abortion, she can get an abortion consultation and her provider will prescribe her pills to be taken approximately 24-48 hours apart.

How Does It Work?

The first pill is taken to end the pregnancy by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is critical for nourishing an early pregnancy. The second set of pills is taken 24-48 hours later to begin contractions to empty the uterus.

Side Effects and Risks

The abortion pill protocol can cause bleeding, cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and a fever. Many women report it feels like the worst period they have ever had. These symptoms can hours or a couple of days. These symptoms become more complicated and severe further along in the pregnancy.

About a week following the abortion pill protocol, a woman needs to follow up with her provider to check if the pregnancy has ended. Although this is technically the “end” of the abortion process, there is so much that happens after this week. A woman’s body still thinks she’s pregnant, and the hormones that had been keeping the fetus alive will continue to be present for about a month after the abortion. Women report being tired, emotional, anxious, and depressed after a medical abortion. It may take 4-6 weeks for her period to return as her body is still adjusting to the pregnancy hormones.

Health Risks

Serious complications can include heavy bleeding, infection, uterine rupture, the need for surgical intervention to remove any potential remaining fetal tissue left in the uterus, blood clots, and hemorrhaging. It is imperative for women considering the abortion pill to be aware of the warning signs for these complications and to have a plan for seeking immediate medical attention if necessary.

The abortion pill’s pharmacy label warns that it is not effective to end an ectopic pregnancy. This is when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. A woman with a suspected ectopic pregnancy should seek immediate medical treatment. It is highly recommended a woman obtain an ultrasound to identify a potential ectopic pregnancy before ingesting any abortion pills.

A woman should also know her blood’s Rh Factor prior to ingesting the abortion pill. If the blood of an Rh-positive fetus gets into the blood of an Rh-negative woman, her body will create antibodies to fight it. This could affect her fertility in the future.

Every woman taking the abortion pill may still require a surgical procedure to complete the abortion. Therefore, it is important to obtain STD testing and treatment prior to taking the abortion pill because an underlying infection could potentially enter the uterus during a surgical procedure.

There are Alternatives

While at first glance the abortion pill can look attractive, it’s important to understand the deeper complexity of the decision to go through the process. Everyone must be educated on the risks and side effects of the abortion pill. Everyone should also be aware of precautionary actions that are necessary before ingesting abortion pills. These include having an ultrasound, being tested and treated for STDs, and knowing your blood type.

If you have recently taken the abortion pill and are looking for options to reverse your decision, call the 24/7 Abortion Pill Rescue Hotline immediately at 877-558-0333! It might not be too late to save your pregnancy.

Consider your health and safety before making any pregnancy decision. Schedule a no-cost pregnancy screening that includes an ultrasound and STD testing and treatment. And you’ll have the opportunity to speak with our medical professionals.

Call or text Waterleaf confidentially at 630-360-2256

Waterleaf Women’s Center Does Not Perform Nor Refer For Abortions, Nor Administers The Abortion Pill.

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