According to the Mayo Clinic, you are in the second trimester if you are between 13-26 weeks of your pregnancy. Suppose you are currently in the second trimester of your pregnancy. In that case, you have three potential options in Illinois: parenting, adoption, and surgical abortion.
After 20 weeks, surgical abortion is not an option if a medical professional determines the pregnancy is viable and that abortion is unnecessary to protect the life or health of the patient.” Consult your doctor to discuss your specific situation.
If you are considering abortion, the abortion pill (also known as medication or chemical abortion) is only approved up to 10 weeks gestation by the FDA. Pregnancies further along than this may require an in-person visit for a surgical abortion.
If you are uncertain of the exact age of your pregnancy, we can provide a no-cost, on-site ultrasound to determine the gestational age. It is in your health interest to make decisions based on an accurate gestational age measurement
You might feel pressure to decide quickly as your pregnancy advances or worry that your options might be more limited. However, you must be diligent in your research so you know that you are making the best decision.
If you are unsure how to proceed, our medical and professional staff can see you for a no-cost appointment, answer your questions, and provide accurate information about your pregnancy and options. We can also connect you with resources, local organizations, help groups, or adoption agencies. Our goal is to equip you to make the best decision for yourself.
How Much Do These Options Cost?
For abortion, the cost depends on many factors, such as how far along you are, what your healthcare plan covers (if applicable), and any additional expenses like travel or follow-up appointments. Surgical abortions can cost up to $2500 in addition to medication costs after the procedure.
Prenatal and delivery costs differ by state and insurance coverage. If your income is below a certain threshold, you can apply for Medicaid in Illinois or other services that can provide support up to one year after a child is born.
If you are considering adoption, there is no cost to create an adoption plan in Illinois. The adoptive family will typically cover the healthcare expenses of the pregnancy and other expenses depending on local laws.
Schedule a No-Cost Appointment
If you are still deciding on the next step, contact us to schedule a pressure-free and confidential consultation to discuss your options in a safe space and answer your questions.
We are here to ensure you feel supported on this journey and provide support. Contact us online or call/text 630-360-2256 confidentially today!